While I love to cook and bake almost everything, I get truly excited about baking sweets. Despite that I always try to halve the recipe and give most of the sweets away to avoid temptations and to keep my diet on track, my samplings of new recipes is the best part (that and licking the batter from the spoon).
Today, I tried a recipe for kletsmajoor, or Dutch caramel cashew cookies from a great blogger I found recently, the Technicolor Kitchen (cool name!). I was inspired to look for a new cookie recipe, as one of my Brazilian friends here in Helsinki always comments on the first time she met me, and I had made classic 'American' chocolate chip cookies. Apparently, first impressions are long lasting, and now I am the 'cookie girl' in her mind. Nevermind, I like those kinds of compliments, because it gives me more motivation to do something I already like doing ;)
I made these to take with us tomorrow to hear AC/DC in the park around Töölö bay- lovely scenic urban park space outside the Olympic Stadium, where AC/DC will play. I've heard that if you get the right spot to picnic outside, with the acoustics of the rocks around the bay, the music can be easily heard as if you're at the show. Can't wait to 'see' them live.
These cookies turned out delish! Even A, who doesn't have the same sweet tooth I do, gave me two thumbs up for this one. Despite that I didn't roast or salt the cashews before adding them to the praline mixture, the cashew taste baked right in. Mmmmm...
Sugar cookie with bits of cashew praline (known as toffee to some). Had to take the picture fast before we ate them all. This recipe was uplifting for me, after a streak of baking failures the last few weeks. Next time I'll have a little more confidence ;)
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